* In our plumber’s collection, you will find in products that are specially chosen by our team of experts. They have been tested and installed several times by our certified plumbers.
In addition, these products are usually available in our plumbers' trucks. However, please let us know if you specifically want one of these products when making your appointment.
Bélanger model MET22CP2
Bélanger model AXO22CP
Bélanger model 3063 70.00$
Bélanger model 4123CP 120.00$
Les prix mentionnés sont plus taxes. Veuillez valider avec notre équipe la disponibilité des produits.
** Our luxury collection offers you high-end, stylish and modern products. They are designed to last and will give shine and originality to your property. These products must be ordered since they are not in stock in the plumbers' trucks. Please let our team know if any of these products interest you!
Riobel model EQS01C
On special order only
Riobel model EQ08C
On special order only
Les prix mentionnés sont plus taxes. Veuillez valider avec notre équipe la disponibilité des produits.